Detail of Mediterranée
Promised Land
Crossing the Mediterranena Sea (2)
Deatail of 'Promised Land'
Crossing the Mediterranean Sea
Geography of my Desire
Geography of Desire
Detail of 'Geography of Desire'
Mediterranée (1)
Mediterranée (3)
Mediterranée (4)
Mediterranée (5)
Mediterranée (6)
Mediterranée (7)
Mediterranée (8)
Mediterranée (9)
Mediterranée (10)
Mediterranée (11)

textiles, sewing, crayon; 27” x 14”; 2021

Detail of Mediterranée
Promised Land

Ikea bag, textiles, sandpaper, sewing; 39” x 20”; 2021

Crossing the Mediterranena Sea (2)

vintage French linen, textiles, sewing, crayon; 31” x 27,5”; 2021

Deatail of 'Promised Land'
Crossing the Mediterranean Sea

vintage French linen, textiles, sewing, crayon; 32” x 20”; 2021

Geography of my Desire

French linen, textiles, sewing, beads; 56” x 21,5”; 2021

Geography of Desire

French linen, textiles, sewing, beads; 53” x 21,5; 2021

Detail of 'Geography of Desire'
Mediterranée (1)

shopping bag, found writing, collage; 9,5” x 12,5”; 2021

Mediterranée (3)

collage, thread; 16” x 11”; 2021

Mediterranée (4)

collage; 16,5” x 12”; 2012

Mediterranée (5)

collage, found writing, crayon; 16,5” x 12”; 2021

Mediterranée (6)

collage, found writing; 16,5” x 12”; 2021

Mediterranée (7)

collage, crayon; 9,25” x 13”; 2021

Mediterranée (8)

collage, drawing; 16,5” x 12”; 2021

Mediterranée (9)

collage with shopping bag; 9,5” x 12,5”; 2021

Mediterranée (10)

collage; 12” x 16,5”; 2021

Mediterranée (11)

collage, drawing w crayon; 11” x 8,5”; 2021

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