'Timelines' symbolize a memorial system of instances in history of (mostly) human actions less well documented than 'The Battle of Waterloo', or 'Landing on the Moon'.
2004 -ongoing; dimensions variable.

found objects, found string.

mixed media, dimensions variable, ongoing project
studio installation

mixed media, dimensions variable, ongoing project
installation for 'Heed the Machine, Illustrious' in St Cecilia Convent, Brooklyn, 2009

installation for 'The Evil Eye' in Queens College, Queens, 2012

textiles, sewing; dimensions variable; 2023-?

textiles, sewing, objects; ca 84” x 87” (installation variable); 2022/2023

'Timelines' symbolize a memorial system of instances in history of (mostly) human actions less well documented than 'The Battle of Waterloo', or 'Landing on the Moon'.
2004 -ongoing; dimensions variable.
found objects, found string.
mixed media, dimensions variable, ongoing project
studio installation
mixed media, dimensions variable, ongoing project
installation for 'Heed the Machine, Illustrious' in St Cecilia Convent, Brooklyn, 2009
installation for 'The Evil Eye' in Queens College, Queens, 2012
textiles, sewing; dimensions variable; 2023-?
textiles, sewing, objects; ca 84” x 87” (installation variable); 2022/2023