oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 50" x 37"; 2015

oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 39"; 2014

oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 38 1/2"; 2014

oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 40"; 2014

oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 72" x 65"; 2007

oil, canvas, mixed media; ca 74" x 66"; 2007

oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 70" x 64"; 2006

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 51" x 126"; 2009

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 30" x 32" each; 2009
Memorial Chairs are partially inspired by the benches that people put in the 'Heath' in Hampstead -and elsewhere- in Memory of a Loved One. They incorporate textiles, fragments of bags etc that belonged to the person to whom the chair is dedicated. These chairs can be custom ordered. For information: reinekehollander@gmail.com
NB: these works are two-dimensional

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 63" x 31"; 2012

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 36" x 63"; 2011

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 37" x 59"; 2011

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 91" x 48"; 2009/10

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 72" x 39"; 2009

oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 61" x 39"; 2010

oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 47" x 51"; 2010

oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 50" x 37"; 2015
oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 39"; 2014
oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 38 1/2"; 2014
oil, canvas, mixed textiles, sewing; 48" x 40"; 2014
oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 72" x 65"; 2007
oil, canvas, mixed media; ca 74" x 66"; 2007
oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 70" x 64"; 2006
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 51" x 126"; 2009
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 30" x 32" each; 2009
Memorial Chairs are partially inspired by the benches that people put in the 'Heath' in Hampstead -and elsewhere- in Memory of a Loved One. They incorporate textiles, fragments of bags etc that belonged to the person to whom the chair is dedicated. These chairs can be custom ordered. For information: reinekehollander@gmail.com
NB: these works are two-dimensional
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 63" x 31"; 2012
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 36" x 63"; 2011
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 37" x 59"; 2011
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 91" x 48"; 2009/10
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 72" x 39"; 2009
oil, canvas, textiles, sewing; 61" x 39"; 2010
oil, canvas, mixed media, sewing; ca 47" x 51"; 2010