Picture of a mind recalling a word
Picture of a mind recalling a word

oil and textiles on canvas; 34” x 32”; 2017/2022

Picture of a mind retrieving a word
Picture of a mind retrieving a word

oil and textile on canvas; 34” x 32”; 1992/2022

Added Value (Relics; 5)
Added Value (Relics; 5)

oil on canvas, rosettes, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/20

Added Value  (Relics) 2
Added Value (Relics) 2

oil on canvas, fur: 34” x 32”; 2018/2019

Added Value (Relics) 4
Added Value (Relics) 4

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2017/2020

Added Value (Relics; 1)
Added Value (Relics; 1)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/20

Added Value (Relics; 3)
Added Value (Relics; 3)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/19

What is my Name? (Rumpelstiltskin)
What is my Name? (Rumpelstiltskin)

oil on canvas, collage, textiles, sewing; 48,5’ x 39”; 2020

Village, desert, sea
Village, desert, sea

oil on canvas, textiles, sewing; 68” x 26,5”; 2021

Narcissus' Reflections
Narcissus' Reflections

oil on canvas, textiles, sewing; 71” x 24”; 2020


oil on canvas, textiles, vintage photo; 48” x 26”

Heimweh (the longing for home) and Fernweh (the longing for faraway places)
Heimweh (the longing for home) and Fernweh (the longing for faraway places)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage, sewing; 107” x 36”; 2020


oil on canvas, textiles, collage, sewing; 106” x 33”; 2020

Longing for my Marseille
Longing for my Marseille

oil on canvas, french shopping bags, collage, sewing; 82” x 40”; 2020

Warp & Weft (1 and 2)
Warp & Weft (1 and 2)
Warp & Weft (1)
Warp & Weft (1)

oil paint, canvas, vintage photos printed on canvas, textiles, sewing;

37” x 50”; 2020

detail of Warp & Weft (1)
detail of Warp & Weft (1)
Breaking the Grid
Breaking the Grid

oil and textiles on canvas; (2x) 36” x 24”; 2022

half full/half empty 1
half full/half empty 1

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 2
half full/half empty 2

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 3
half full/half empty 3

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 4
half full/half empty 4

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty
half full/half empty

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 6
half full/half empty 6

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

                                                                                                                                                                        Added Value (5) (Drowning)
Added Value (5) (Drowning)

oil on canvas, textile collage; 34" x 32"; 2017/18

House of Spirits
House of Spirits

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2011/13

Studio Dig
Studio Dig

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2007/08

Warsaw Dig
Warsaw Dig

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2007

Warsaw Dig (1)
Warsaw Dig (1)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Archeological site (2)
Archeological site (2)

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 76" x 56"; 2006/07

Archeological Site
Archeological Site

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2006/07

What is Lost or Thrown Away (5)
What is Lost or Thrown Away (5)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Presence of Absence
Presence of Absence

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2009

Added Value (Falling)
Added Value (Falling)

oil on canvas with textile collage; 34” x 32”; 2017

What is Lost or Thrown Away (2)
What is Lost or Thrown Away (2)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Treblinka (What is lost or thrown away)
Treblinka (What is lost or thrown away)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2008


oil on canvas; 23" x 22";2007

Archeology (2)
Archeology (2)

oil on canvas; 25" x 25"; 2006

Archeology (3)
Archeology (3)

oil on canvas; 26" x 24"; 2006

Picture of a mind recalling a word
Picture of a mind retrieving a word
Added Value (Relics; 5)
Added Value  (Relics) 2
Added Value (Relics) 4
Added Value (Relics; 1)
Added Value (Relics; 3)
What is my Name? (Rumpelstiltskin)
Village, desert, sea
Narcissus' Reflections
Heimweh (the longing for home) and Fernweh (the longing for faraway places)
Longing for my Marseille
Warp & Weft (1 and 2)
Warp & Weft (1)
detail of Warp & Weft (1)
Breaking the Grid
half full/half empty 1
half full/half empty 2
half full/half empty 3
half full/half empty 4
half full/half empty
half full/half empty 6
                                                                                                                                                                        Added Value (5) (Drowning)
House of Spirits
Studio Dig
Warsaw Dig
Warsaw Dig (1)
Archeological site (2)
Archeological Site
What is Lost or Thrown Away (5)
Presence of Absence
Added Value (Falling)
What is Lost or Thrown Away (2)
Treblinka (What is lost or thrown away)
Archeology (2)
Archeology (3)
Picture of a mind recalling a word

oil and textiles on canvas; 34” x 32”; 2017/2022

Picture of a mind retrieving a word

oil and textile on canvas; 34” x 32”; 1992/2022

Added Value (Relics; 5)

oil on canvas, rosettes, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/20

Added Value (Relics) 2

oil on canvas, fur: 34” x 32”; 2018/2019

Added Value (Relics) 4

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2017/2020

Added Value (Relics; 1)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/20

Added Value (Relics; 3)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage; 34” x 32”; 2018/19

What is my Name? (Rumpelstiltskin)

oil on canvas, collage, textiles, sewing; 48,5’ x 39”; 2020

Village, desert, sea

oil on canvas, textiles, sewing; 68” x 26,5”; 2021

Narcissus' Reflections

oil on canvas, textiles, sewing; 71” x 24”; 2020


oil on canvas, textiles, vintage photo; 48” x 26”

Heimweh (the longing for home) and Fernweh (the longing for faraway places)

oil on canvas, textiles, collage, sewing; 107” x 36”; 2020


oil on canvas, textiles, collage, sewing; 106” x 33”; 2020

Longing for my Marseille

oil on canvas, french shopping bags, collage, sewing; 82” x 40”; 2020

Warp & Weft (1 and 2)
Warp & Weft (1)

oil paint, canvas, vintage photos printed on canvas, textiles, sewing;

37” x 50”; 2020

detail of Warp & Weft (1)
Breaking the Grid

oil and textiles on canvas; (2x) 36” x 24”; 2022

half full/half empty 1

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 2

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 3

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 4

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

half full/half empty 6

oil on canvas; 36” x 24”; 2020

Added Value (5) (Drowning)

oil on canvas, textile collage; 34" x 32"; 2017/18

House of Spirits

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2011/13

Studio Dig

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2007/08

Warsaw Dig

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2007

Warsaw Dig (1)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Archeological site (2)

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 76" x 56"; 2006/07

Archeological Site

oil on canvas; 68" x 52"; 2006/07

What is Lost or Thrown Away (5)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Presence of Absence

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2009

Added Value (Falling)

oil on canvas with textile collage; 34” x 32”; 2017

What is Lost or Thrown Away (2)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2007

Treblinka (What is lost or thrown away)

oil on canvas; 34" x 32"; 2008


oil on canvas; 23" x 22";2007

Archeology (2)

oil on canvas; 25" x 25"; 2006

Archeology (3)

oil on canvas; 26" x 24"; 2006

show thumbnails